The infectious pop duo Loote comprised of Jackson Foote and Emma Lov, have always been on the same wave length when it comes to music and they have been since meeting in college. They’ve penned hits for artists like Demi Lovato and Cheat Codes, and landed a growing number of streams when they dropped the singles “Out Of My Head” and ” Your Side Of The Bed”. They continued the trend when they teamed up with Joe Jonas for the track “Longer Than I Thought”, who all three had experienced and could identify with the lyrics of the single. They’ve become the breakout artists to watch out for in 2018, and now they release one of the best pop albums I’ve heard this year in “Single”.
Such a simple title for an EP, but yet has a monstrous number of hits on it, and when Loote spoke of the EP they had this to say “SINGLE. is our catharsis. We all love and we experience loss. We all fall down and we get back up again. We wanted to talk about situations we know everyone has been through, but that we don’t always take the time to properly address. Heartache is real. Anxiety is real. Passion is real. Honestly, we still have no idea how to be single, which is why we keep singing about it,”
Loote have no signs of slowing down and just two days ago the duo lent their talents to White Panda’s single “Hands On Me”. Another hit single to add to the groups arsenal.
I am one of Loote’s biggest fans and biggest supporters and it’s a shame with the amount of talent these guys have, and the amount of hit songs they’ve contributed to, they don’t get the credit they deserve. These guys are looming as one of the biggest acts in pop music and are destined for Grammy Award winning success. Each one of the seven songs on this EP stands on it’s own, and their all special that they deserve their own unique moments and celebrations. I can only say so much about this EP, but you have to take the time out to listen to just how brilliantly crafted and executed this pop masterpiece is.
Rating: 5/5