KTJ & CARLY deliver your new sad girl summer anthem as they embrace the bareness on their emotional new single, “Otherside” now.
The beautiful stripped-down version of the song allows for a wide range of emotive vocals put beautifully on display, as the duo explore the impact of being the one to end a relationship. As their ex-lover breaks down in front of them, they’re confronted with the overwhelming feelings of being the one that brought them to this painful place. The track builds to a heightened moment chock full of harmonies, swelling piano, and dynamic vocals, showcasing a musicality that perfectly reflects the raw intensity of their unfortunate reality. “Otherside” is a well-crafted musical examination of what it’s like to be the bad guy to the people we love.
Hi ladies and welcome back to OLC! Absolute pleasure to have you both here. How is 2020 going for the both of you in these crazy times, and most importantly are you both staying safe?
Hello! Thank you for having us again. Always a pleasure! 2020 is going freaking crazy…Honestly… no idea how it got so messed up so quickly, but we are staying safe and we are healthy and happy.
How differently have your days been during this pandemic, and what does a typical day
look like for you now?
Everything is remote now, we stay in a lot and write music. The isolation is honestly kind of nice because we are creating way more than before quarantine. We have been back in Texas, so we are spending a lot of time with the family too which is amazing (we are going back to Cali in about 3 days). Our day to day is always different, but we are always working on music, everyday!
Now you do have a new single out called “Otherside”, what inspired this song?
During times of heartbreak and loss, we tend to grieve no matter what angle of it we experience. It started off a lot more pop-y and upbeat at first, but after changing the chord progression up it turned into what it is now. There wasn’t a song we could listen to— about the heartbreak of heartbreakers. That’s why we created this. – KTJ
I felt really inspired from a break up a while back with someone in the past; at the time I was having a hard time finding songs and such to relate to. This had been weighing on me for a bit and I felt like I just needed to get this out… and not really for myself. I wanted someone else who went through something like that to have this song. I was at a stage where I was just angry and felt like the only one going through this, and this inspiration made the song come together really fast… in about ten minutes! After it was originally written, it stayed in our song vault for a while, and then felt inspired to release it with everything going on in the world. – Carly
Who helped you work on the song?
This song was made by just us two! Devin Kennedy did the mastering, but other than that, this song is written and produced 100% by us.
Can we plan to see a video for the song anytime soon?
We do have some visuals for the song coming out, not a full-on music video, but some visuals…coming soon!
I remember you were also scoring your first feature film, how’s that going and when can we expect to see that hit our screens?
When the quarantine started they were filming the last vignette of the movie, so now we aren’t 100% sure since they had to stop production due to COVID. We have written and semi-produced one of the songs for the drag queens, and then just some melodies and beats to have in our back pocket. The song was so fun to write. It felt like we discovered our alter egos haha. For the demo, KT and I were singing on it and we were showing our mom, and all I can say is that she was terrified and impressed at the same time. Drag music is a lot dirtier and the lyrics are very different from what we usually do so it was very exciting and out of our comfort zone (in a good way). Can’t wait for everyone to hear it and to really dig deep into scoring the rest of the film! – Carly
I’m sure you both can’t wait to hit the road again, is there any place you’d love to go back to and perform and if so why, and what made it special to you?
100% We are so excited to get back on stage!! I think we are most excited to get back up on the hotel cafe stage, just because it is like our second home. We performed there a lot, and for the first time ever in Los Angeles. That stage means a lot to us… It kinda resembles the beginning of our careers as artists in a way. But we have some cool shows in the works! (praying it doesn’t get cancelled) We have a show in napa – which is gonna be awesome- and hopefully once this is all over we can perform at more live festivals!
Is there anyone you’d love to collaborate with currently and what do you appreciate about their craft?
It is an honor to collaborate with any artist. Every single person we write with has their own way of approaching songwriting, and their own experiences and life to bring to it. There are so many we want to collaborate with: Chainsmokers, Lauv, Jeremy Zucker, Dua Lipa, Chance the Rapper, Alex Newell, Tame Impala, Léon, Rozes, Tove Lo, Dua Lipa, RL Grime, Flume, ZHU, Loree, Galantis, Ishi, FKA Twigs, and so many more. It’s hard to name one in particular, but I think if we could collaborate with anyone it would be ODESZA. We love their music so much and appreciate the happy vibe they carry, even within their sad songs. Not only does their music create immediate happiness, but their live shows are insane. They are just straight fire.
Thanks for stopping by and staying safe ladies, but before you both go is there anything you’d love to say to all our OLC! followers?
Thank you for having us! Stream, listen, add to your playlists, buy, and share our single “Otherside.” Stay tuned for more music coming out… We have some good stuff coming soon. We love you all and thank you for your support! Most importantly, with everything going on in the world, we want to remind you to not stay quiet and keep persisting change within the world. Do what you can to aid the movement. The little things do count. Black Lives Matter and love ALWAYS wins!!!
Website: https://www.ktjcarly.com
Instagram: @ktjcarly https://www.instagram.com/ktjcarly
Twitter: @ktjcarlymusic https://twitter.com/ktjcarlymusic
Facebook: @ktjcarly https://www.facebook.com/ktjcarly
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmVD5G4Zh1izxYsJj2LxPRQ