Netflix documentary series The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea traces the steps of Yoo Young-chul, a notorious serial killer who came to light as a psychopath to the Korean public in 2004. Young-chul killed a total of 20 people in various parts of Seoul, targeting wealthy elderly people and sex workers. The series will be available for streaming on October 22nd.
From 2003 to 2004, in a span of less than a year, Yoo Young-chul killed a total of 20 people in various parts of Seoul, targeting victims including wealthy elderly people, masseuses, and young women. The large number of brutal murders he committed, cruel methods of killing he used, and grotesque dismemberment of bodies were horrific and unprecedented. The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea documents the crimes of Yoo Young-chul and their enormous impact. The series will examine these events as they have never been told before, through archival footage and numerous interviews with the people directly involved with the case, telling this story through the voices of the people who were there.
Featuring powerful recollections from the victims’ family members, the officer in charge of the case at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, detectives, investigators, prosecutors and lawyers, as well as Kwon Il-yong, Korea’s groundbreaking first profiler who interacted directly with Yoo Young-chul, and other profilers including Lee Soo-jung and Bae Sang-hoon, the documentary pieces together these stories to present an in-depth examination of Yoo Young-chul’s case and those who worked to bring him to justice.