Emma Løv released her brand new single ‘Homesick’, taken from her forthcoming 6 track EP “panic attack @ disneyland”. After releasing a catalogue of hits as part of the chart topping pop group Loote, Emma is now stepping out on her own, to tell her own stories as she told Popheads in a recent interview;
“My solo project is definitely different from Loote stuff. I’m different when I’m working alone than when I’m working with Jackson. In terms of my EP, the biggest difference is that it’s all from my point of view without someone else’s perspective, which is sometimes difficult and sometimes easier.”
As both a huge fan of Emma and Loote, I cant wait to hear this EP. Be sure to check out her interview with Popheads here, and listen to her latest single ‘Homesick’ now.
Email: neill@outloudculture.com