‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ is the welcomed seventh movie in the live-action Transformers franchise, which serves as a standalone sequel to 2018’s Bumblebee and a prequel to the Michael Bay films. This movie is set in 1994 and follows Noah Diaz (played by Anthony Ramos), an electronics expert and ex-military soldier from Brooklyn who befriends the Autobot known as Mirage (voiced by Pete Davidson), who along with Prime and the Autobots must save the world from the Terrorcons. ‘Rise Of The Beasts’ for me was a definite improvement in the series from the previous installments, and is certainly one of the stronger Transformer movies. One thing that stood out for me is how has Peter Cullen managed to be the sole voice of Optimus Prime for nearly 40 years?
Anthony Ramos wasn’t exactly the action icon I thought would be chosen for this movie, especially as he’s previously been in films like ‘In the Heights’ and the musical ‘Hamilton’, but Ramos brings enough swagger and charisma to carry the film. His character Noah is struggling financially, and in turn unable to get his younger brother the medical treatment he needs. Noah resorts to attempting to steal a Porsche, but it’s not just any Porsche. He finds himself in an Autobot who helps him escape from the police. This is where his friendship with Mirage begins and blossoms through the story. Noah helps the Autobots retrieve a Transwarp Key before it lands in the wrong hands and causes the destruction of various worlds.
‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ is a lot of fun, with great action sequences, but they did miss the quintessential touch of Michael Bay, making them a little less memorable. Pete Davidson who voices Mirage has to be the most entertaining part of the movie, and makes the whole film a lot more engaging with his humorous and fun personality. He certainly outshines the rest of the cast.
‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ has enough spark to create a popcorn blockbuster, leaving viewers intrigued enough to want to see the next installment. It is a big enough vehicle to continue to carry this franchise to success.
Email: neill@outloudculture.com