“Set against the backdrop of London at Christmas, the series is a sharp, action-filled, and heartfelt story of friendship and sacrifice. It follows Helen Webb, a quick-witted, down-to-earth, dedicated wife and mother — and professional spy,” reads the synopsis. “For 10 years, she’s been passing on her politician husband’s secrets to the shadowy organization she works for: the Black Doves. When her secret lover Jason is assassinated, her spymaster, the enigmatic Reed, calls in Helen’s old friend Sam to keep her safe. Together, Helen and Sam set off on a mission to investigate who killed Jason and why, leading them to uncover a vast, interconnected conspiracy linking the murky London underworld to a looming geopolitical crisis.”
It’s led by Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, and Sarah Lancashire. The series is set to hit Netflix December 5.
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