Emerald Fennell’s second feature, “Saltburn,” is a seductive plunge into a Gothic realm. Following her Oscar-winning “Promising Young Woman,” Fennell crafts a contemporary British...
Sony Pictures has released the first trailer for The Garfield Movie, the upcoming animated film, which will star Chris Pratt. “Garfield (voiced by Chris...
BUSTA SEASONcontinues! The 12-time GRAMMY® Award nominee and one of the most influential rappers of all time Busta Rhymes serves up a scorching new single entitled “OK” featuring Young Thug. Listen HERE....
Rising singer-songwriter Mimi Webb unveils a brand new holiday single entitled “Back Home For Christmas” – listen HERE. It notably stands out as her very first Christmas original! With “Back Home For Christmas,” she...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Elena has worked on over 100 movies & TV shows, ranging from $200K indies to $300M blockbusters, that have totaled over $10...
Netflix has released a teaser for Terminator: The Anime Series, the anime series based on the world created by James Cameron. “2022: A future war has...
Netflix has released the teaser for The Brothers Sun, the Michelle Yeoh-led gangster action dramedy series from co-creators Brad Fulchuk and Byron Wu. The...
Beyoncé has dropped a trailer for her new concert film Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé. The movie opens in theaters on December 1, 2023. Renaissance is...