Apple TV+ has debuted the first trailer for The Changeling, the upcoming horror fantasy series starring LaKeith Stanfield as Apollo, a father and husband who suddenly...
Amazon Studios has released the first images from the upcoming drama ‘Saltburn’. This serves as Emerald Fennell‘s follow-up to her 2020 directorial feature film...
In the realm of unlikely adaptations, Sony’s decision to bring the Gran Turismo franchise to the big screen may have raised eyebrows. However, “Gran...
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Mckenna Grace has shared her first single, “Casual Kisser” (via Photo Finish Records) and accompanying video from her forthcoming highly anticipated...
In an unexpected twist for the giant-prehistoric-shark genre, “Meg 2: The Trench” boldly bears the label “A Ben Wheatley Film.” Wheatley, renowned for his...
Wes Anderson’s latest film, Asteroid City, skillfully embraces his signature style of intricately crafted house dramas and satirical conundrums. Set in the American southwest...
ALLBLK, AMC Networks’ popular streaming service for Black television and film, released the trailer for the highly-anticipated world premiere of the documentary, The Hustle of...
Vevo, the world’s leading music video network, announces the release of Tori Kelly’s live performance of “alive if i die.” “alive if i die” follows Tori Kelly’s previous...
In an interview with Variety, Yellowjackets executive producer Karyn Kusama spoke about how the series’ third season will follow the teenagers’ re-entry into the world. “I’ve been so...
The Australian horror film Talk to Me, has been an absolute worldwide smash and success story for A24. Danny and Michael Phillipou are currently also frontrunners...
Lucasfilm has debuted a first look at Ahsoka, the highly anticipated new Star Wars series coming to Disney+. The first two episodes will be available for...
“Based on a graphic novel by writer-director Kevin Grevioux, King of Killers follows former Agency hitman Marcus Garan (Alain Moussi) as he attempts to...