Lucy Hale is set to play an Antarctic scientist in the upcoming sci-fi thriller titled White Mars, with Martin Owen set to direct. “Set in an isolated Aquila...
The first look at Jack Black in the new Christmas comedy titled Dear Santa has arrived. The is directed by Bobby Farrelly. Bobby’s brother Peter wrote the...
Deadline reports that 20th Century Studios and Chernin Entertainment are working on another film that will be set in the same universe as Cronenberg’s...
A-list celebrities have joined the cast of an upcoming movie loosely based on Joan Of Arc titled Sacrifice. Included in the cast is pop singer Charli...
Trey Edward Shults’ next movie is a project starring The Weeknd, Jenna Ortega, and Barry Keoghan, and has officially been acquired by Lionsgate. The title of...
Lionsgate has released the first trailer for Young Werther, the upcoming romantic comedy that stars Douglas Booth and Alison Pill. The film is based on the 1774 tragic...
The first trailer for Waltzing with Brando, the upcoming movie about the iconic actor Marlon Brando starring Billy Zane. Currently, the film is slated to...
Eddie Murphy is reteaming with director Bill Condon for a biopic movie about George Clinton. The two previously collaborated on 2006’s Dreamgirls, which also starred Jamie Foxx, Beyoncé...
NEON has released the trailer for The End, an upcoming post-apocalyptic musical starring Tilda Swinton and Michael Shannon. The official synopsis reads as follows: “Twenty-five years after environmental...
Amazon MGM Studios has not only landed American Speed, but they have acquired two big names to star in it, Tom Holland and Austin Butler. American Hustle and...
Anthony Ramos and Ben Mendelsohn are rolling into New York, as Deadline reports that these two will star in a new horror film titled Molepeople, all about...
With a career spanning four decades, Jasper Cole has made a name for himself with over 120 film and television credits to date. He will next be seen...