Apple Studios has released the trailer for ‘Tetris’, the upcoming biographical comedy-drama about how Henk Rogers secured the rights to the infamous Tetris game. The...
HBO Max has released a teaser the trailer for ‘Love & Death’, the upcoming true crime drama, based on the real-life case of suburban-housewife-turned-axe-murderer Candy...
The trailer for the upcoming film adaptation of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s romance novel ‘One True Loves’ has dropped, starring Phillipa Soo, Simu Liu, Luke Bracey, Tom...
Amazon Studios has released the entire trailer for ‘Daisy Jones & the Six’, the upcoming limited drama based on Taylor Jenkins Reid’s best-selling novel of...
Starring Jada Pinkett Smith, Adesuwa Oni, and Chipo Kureya, ‘African Queens: Njinga’ is executively produced and narrated by Jada Pinkett Smith, in this docuseries...
Apple TV+ has released the trailer for the upcoming limited series ‘Extrapolations’, due for streaming on March 17th. The show has a star-studded cast including...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Damani Sease had the opportunity to live in numerous states, including Delaware and New Jersey, before his family...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Izza – hailed by Genius as this “digital generation’s superstar” – encourages listeners to find freedom in being themselves, even if that means...
“In Marvel Studios Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 our beloved band of misfits are looking a bit different these days,” reads the synopsis. “Peter Quill,...