Peacock has revealed that Jessica Biel will lead an upcoming limited crime thriller series titled The Good Daughter. The series is being written by Karin Slaughter, who...
After originally getting a pilot order, the upcoming Wizards of Waverly Place sequel show has officially gotten a series order and heading to Disney+. Production on...
The juggernaut that is Olivia Rodrigo isn’t quite done dominating the charts, she has recently announced the deluxe version of her chart topping album Guts....
“The film takes place at the border between the United States and Mexico – a hellish landscape inhabited by coyotes, armed officers, desperate immigrants,...
FX has released the trailer for The Veil, its newest international spy thriller lead by Elisabeth Moss. The limited series is scheduled to make its debut...
Rainbow Entertainment emerges as an equity-centered and trans-led production company, representing a fresh chapter in the world of entertainment. Our aim is to foster an environment...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Jillian Shea Spaeder is an actress and singer-songwriter. The young starlet played a leading role alongside Jillian Bell and Isla Fisher in the...
IFC Films has released the trailer for Humane, a dystopian tale about a world ravaged by a catastrophic ecological collapse. It’s the debut from Caitlin Cronenberg,...
“Beetlejuice is back! After an unexpected family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return home to Winter River,” reads the sequel‘s synopsis. “Still haunted...
Sony has released the trailer for Harold and the Purple Crayon, the live-action adaption of the popular children’s book starring Zachary Levi. It’ll hit cinemas August...
Over 36 years after Beetlejuice was released in theaters, Michael Keaton has returned to his iconic role for the sequel to Tim Burton’s cult classic. Set to arrive...