Simone Ashley who starred in the Netflix hit show Bridgerton, is set to star in a new indie thriller titled This Tempting Madness. Deadline has shared the first-look...
Variety reports that Julia Garner has officially joined the cast of Leigh Whannell’s upcoming Wolf Man. Garner will join a cast with Christopher Abbott, who replaced Ryan...
Prime Video has released a behind the scenes featurette of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, its upcoming action comedy, starring Donald Glover and Maya Erskine. It is scheduled to start...
A Mean Girls music video has been released ahead of the musical movie adaptation’s release, featuring Reneé Rapp and Megan Thee Stallion. The song called “Not My...
Hulu has released the trailer for the upcoming Australian drama Safe Home, which stars Aisha Dee as a 28-year-old woman trying to find a new outlook in...
Deadline reports that Topher Grace and Michelle Dockery have officially signed on to the cast of Lionsgate’s upcoming thriller Flight Risk. The film is set to...
The trailer for Marmalade dropped today, the upcoming romance crime thriller starring Joe Keery, Camila Morrone and Aldis Hodge. The film releases into cinemas February...
On the Roam is an “eight-part cinematic docuseries following Jason Momoa as he travels the country chasing art, adventure, and friendship through the lens...
Hulu has dropped the trailer for Death and Other Details, it’s lead by Mandy Patinkin and Violett Beane. The series will be available for streaming on January...
Netflix has released the trailer for American Nightmare its upcoming crime documentary series about a couple’s bizarre home invasion and kidnapping incident. It will debut...
Following on from the highly anticipated release of Emei’s debut EP ‘Scatterbrain’ on the 20th October, today, Emei drops an official music video for...