Tom Holland has officially signed on for the leading role in Universal Pictures‘ upcoming film The Partner, it’s an adaptation of John Grisham’s bestselling novel of the...
VVS Films has released the trailer for Woman of the Hour, the crime drama thriller, which hails from actor-director Anna Kendrick. The film had its world...
Lionsgate has released the trailer for Continue, the new drama film writer-director Nadine Crocker. “Convinced she’s fated to walk the same troubled path as her father,...
Netflix has dropped the trailer for Uglies, its upcoming dystopian coming-of-age thriller, based on Scott Westerfeld’s 2005 novel of the same name. It’s led by Joey...
Sony Pictures has released the first trailer for Saturday Night. It’s an upcoming film from director Jason Reitman that is about SNL‘s chaotic opening night in...
Vanity Fair has debuted the first look at Saturday Night, Jason Reitman’s upcoming film about the events leading up to the opening night of Saturday Night...
A Different World sequel series is currently in the works at Netflix, and would follow Dwayne and Whitley’s daughter from the original series. Deadline reports that...
Apple has released the teaser and first look trailer for Disclaimer, the upcoming seven-part limited series from Alfonso Cuarón. It’s led by Cate Blanchett and...
Netflix has debuted the trailer for Rez Ball, showcasing the upcoming sports drama film based on a Native American high school basketball team that competes...
Apple TV+ has released the first teaser for Shrinking Season 2, the next installment to its comedy-drama series starring Jason Segel and Harrison Ford. Shrinking Season 2 is scheduled to...
IFC Films has released a trailer for Out Come the Wolves, the new survival thriller starring Missy Peregrym. Out Come the Wolves is scheduled to debut on...
Jenna Ortega is set to star opposite Glen Powell in J.J. Abrams’ secret Warner Bros. movie. The film which is currently untitled is reportedly about...
Talk to Me directors Danny & Michael Philippou’s next horror movie, Bring Her Back, has officially wrapped filming. Bring Her Back began production this Summer, and...