Tom Holland has officially signed on for the leading role in Universal Pictures‘ upcoming film The Partner, it’s an adaptation of John Grisham’s bestselling novel of the...
“In the Adams Family’s celebration of the classic creature-feature, an American-led fracking crew working deep in the Serbian wilderness find themselves at odds with...
Lionsgate has released the first trailer for the upcoming horror movie Bagman. It stars Sam Claflin, and follows a mythical, evil creature that kidnaps...
Saban Films has released the trailer for its newest coming-of-age comedy, The 4:30 Movie, from Kevin Smith. The film is set to arrive on Friday, September...
A brand new trailer for The Penguin has dropped, the spin-off series to 2022’s The Batman. It sees Colin Farrell reprise his role as the notorious villain Oswald...
The HBO Original documentary ELIZABETH TAYLOR: THE LOST TAPES directed by award-winning filmmaker Nanette Burstein (“Hillary,” “The Kid Stays in the Picture”), debuts SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 (8...
Vevo, the world’s leading music video network, announces the release of GRAMMY®-winning, multi-Platinum band Imagine Dragons’ very special live performance of “Nice To Meet...
During The Boys’ Comic-Con panel at the 2024 SDCC, The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke confirmed the development of Vought Rising, which is a prequel series about Jensen Ackles‘...
Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding have reunited for a new collaborative single called Free. It’s the duo’s 4th collaboration together. Much like the duo’s prior work, Free...
Peacock has released the first trailer for Teacup, its newest horror-thriller series, based on Robert McCammon’s New York Times bestselling novel. The project hails James Wan,...
That’s right you read that correctly. Another series that serves as a spin-off to The Batman is being explored. Executive Producer of The Penguin, Dylan Clark,...