Wicked, directed by Jon M. Chu, is a visually stunning vibrant adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical. The film, starring Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba...
You Should Have Been Here Yesterday is a visually stunning homage to the golden era of surfing, directed by Jolyon Hoff. This 80-minute documentary takes...
Justin Timberlake’s latest album, Everything I Thought I Was, marks a reflective journey through his storied career, blending nostalgia with contemporary sounds. The album opens...
The Fabulous Four is a delightful comedy that brings together an ensemble cast of seasoned actresses, including Bette Midler, Susan Sarandon, Megan Mullally, and Sheryl...
Leandre Sanders, known as Skategoat, emerges from the sun-soaked streets of Venice Beach, LA, in the gripping documentary Skategoat directed by Van Alpert. Born into a...
Tótem is a beautifully crafted film directed by Lila Avilés, which delves deep into the complexities of family dynamics and the inevitability of loss. The...
Chris Nash’s In a Violent Nature defies the conventions of traditional horror. Rather than relying on jump scares or high-wire tension, this hyperviolent slasher...
Twisters, directed by Lee Isaac Chung, takes us to the heart of Oklahoma during a once-in-a-generation tornado season. The film balances practical effects with...
Director: Yorgos Lanthimos Starring: Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe, Emma Stone Like a twisted kaleidoscope of human behavior, Kinds of Kindness weaves together three distinct...
In the frost-kissed wilderness of 19th-century North America, Hundreds of Beavers emerges as a slapstick ode to absurdity. Directed by the irreverently brilliant Mike...
The mythology surrounding Japan as a nation of everyday ghosts, where the living and the dead coexist, occasionally glimpsing each other, can be treacherous...
Director: Rachel House In the shadow of the Taranaki mountain, three young souls embark on a transformative adventure in Rachel House’s heartwarming film, The...