Directing duo Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley, the team behind the fantasy adventure film ‘Dungeons & Dragons’, are set to write and direct the forthcoming action...
“Based on a real-life CIA program, the series follows Cruz Manuelos, a rough-around-the-edges but passionate young Marine recruited to join the CIA’s Lioness Engagement...
Lionsgate has released the trailer for ‘Confidential Informant‘ starring Mel Gibson. As well as Gibson the crime thriller also stars Kate Bosworth, Dominic Purcell,...
The trailer for The Expendables 4 has dropped. The film will arrive in cinemas this year, and it stars Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, and...
MNYS’s upcoming single, “Sacrilegious” will drop this Friday, May 12 via Adventure Cat Records. This is the second single off the project, leading into...
Amazon Studios has released the teaser for The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, the upcoming series adaptation of Holly Ringland’s novel of the same name. The series will...
Sarah Paulson and Elle Fanning have signed on for a new adaptation of I Am Sybil, Flora Rheta Schreiber’s best-selling 1973 nonfiction novel. The project will center...
Orion Pictures has released the official poster for ‘Bottoms‘, which stars Rachel Sennott and Ayo Edebiri. The film will arrive in theaters on August 25. In...
Netflix has debuted the trailer for The Out-Laws, which stars Adam DeVine as a bank manager who discovers his future in-laws are notorious robbers. The movie...