“A groundbreaking limited series that follows the story of Marie-Laure, a blind French girl and her father, Daniel LeBlanc, who flee German-occupied Paris with...
Apple TV+ has dropped the trailer for ‘City On Fire’, the upcoming thriller, from creators Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, who were both behind the hit...
Sonic the Hedgehog stars Adam Pally and Tika Sumpter are officially joining Idris Elba in Paramount+‘s forthcoming Knuckles series. Pally and Sumpter will be reprising their roles as Wade Whipple...
“After a nervous breakdown derailed Jocelyn’s last tour, she’s determined to claim her rightful status as the greatest and sexiest pop star in America,”...
20th Century Studios has dropped the trailer for The Boogeyman, the upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King’s classic short story of the same name. It stars...
Lionsgate has released the trailer for White Bird, the upcoming spin-off drama to the 2017 film Wonder. The film is scheduled to arrive in theaters on...
Mike James Gallagher is an Emmy-nominated sound designer from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Most recently he was the sound designer of Weird: The Al Yankovic...
Sony Music Entertainment Canada/Columbia Records has announced LOVE AGAIN (Soundtrack from The Motion Picture)will bereleased on May 12 (US/Canada time). The 14-track album is available for pre-order now and...
Peacock has released the official trailer for ‘Bupkis’, Pete Davidson‘s upcoming comedy series, which is set to premiere on May 4. “Bupkis is a new comedy following...
Universal Pictures has released the trailer for The Last Voyage of the Demeter, the upcoming horror thriller centering around the ill-fated ship that transported Dracula to...
Disney+ has released the trailer for ‘Crater’, which stars stars Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Mckenna Grace, Billy Barratt, Orson Hong, Thomas Boyce, and Scott Mescudi, who...