The official trailer for the upcoming independent comedy titled ‘A Little White Lie’ has dropped, starring Michael Shannon as a handyman who assumes the identity of an...
Amazon Prime Video has released the trailer for ‘The Power’, the upcoming sci-fi thriller drama based on Naomi Alderman’s novel of the same name. The...
‘Fleabag’ writer, creator, and star Phoebe Waller-Bridge is set to write Amazon’s Tomb Raider TV series. The show is rumored to be in early developmental stages and...
Netflix has released the ‘Murder Mystery 2’ trailer starring Adan Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. It is set to debut on March 31, 2023. Starring alongside Sandler...
numün, the NYC psychedelic instrumental trio pitchfork dubbed as ‘savvy navigators of paths less traveled’, is releasing its second album Book of Beyond on...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Christine was born and raised in Koreatown, Los Angeles. After graduating from the University of California, San Diego with a degree in...
After a year of highs (collaborating with legendary MC Rob Sonic, and Rhymesayers producer Sol Messiah) and lows (the murder of friend and crew member...
Oscar nominated documentary filmmaker Liz Garbus will direct Hulu’s forthcoming ‘Orphan’ miniseries. Garbus will also be executive producing alongside leading star Ellen Pompeo. The...
‘We Have a Ghost’ is the comedy from Netflix starring David Harbour and Anthony Mackie. The project hails from director Christopher Landon. It will release on...
Director: Darren Aronofsky Writer: Samuel D. Hunter(screenplay by) Stars: Brendan Fraser, Sadie Sink, Ty Simpkins, Hong Chau ‘The Whale’ was more then a movie,...
‘Violent Night’ director Tommy Wirkola has confirmed that he has started developing the sequel to the David Harbour-led holiday action comedy. He has also stated...