Netflix has released the trailer for their upcoming true crime film ‘The Good Nurse’, starring Eddie Redmayne and Jessica Chastain. In the trailer Chastain’s character...
Netflix has released the trailer for its upcoming film adaptation of Jessica Knoll’s mystery novel ‘Luckiest Girl Alive’ which stars Mila Kunis. It will...
“From acclaimed filmmaker James Gray, Armageddon Time is a deeply personal story on the strength of family, the complexity of friendship, and the generational pursuit of...
Malachiii knows joy. Over the last few years, the singer, songwriter, and producer from Southern California has demonstrated an affection for elastic flows, buoyant...
Armageddon Time is the upcoming period drama written and directed by James Gray and stars Anne Hathaway, Jeremy Strong, Banks Repeta, Jaylin Webb, Tovah Feldshuh,...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer An artist infinitely fascinated by the natural world, Kathleen creates music as unpredictable as nature itself: serene as well as explosive and ineffably...
Brooklyn drill standout Melvoni joins forces with drill star Dougie B. and fellow Brooklyn standout KALIQ for the release of his new single, “BEAM,” which is...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer PRMSE, pronounced Promise, (@prmsemusic) is a Zimbabwean-born UK artist, who is no stranger to the world of music, working on campaigns...
Directors: Jared Stern, Sam J. Levine Writers: Jared Stern, John Whittington Stars: Dwayne Johnson(voice), Kevin Hart(voice) Kate McKinnon(voice), John Krasinski(voice), Vanessa Bayer(voice), Natasha Lyonne(voice),...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Born into a large Italian family and raised by divorced parents in Westchester, New York, 24 year old Allison (Ally) Petitti...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Pop singers tend to prefer sunny weather to stormy skies. It’s the rare artist who has the courage to dive deep...
The 1975 have released their brand new single, ‘I’m In Love With You’, which comes from the band’s forthcoming fifth album, Being Funny In A Foreign...
BBC has released the first look trailer for ‘The English’, it’s newest limited series starring Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer. “An epic chase Western,...