The trailer for Nautilus has arrived, the upcoming series adaptation of Jules Verne‘s classic adventure novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. AMC has yet to...
Vevo, the world’s leading music video network, announces the release of Camila Cabello’s Official Live Performance of “Godspeed.” “Godspeed” follows Camila’s previously released performance...
Netflix has given viewers a first look at their upcoming romantic comedy stripper movie called The Merry Gentlemen, which stars Chad Michael Murray. “To save...
Sacha Baron Cohen and Rosamund Pike have signed on the lead the new Netflix comedy movie titled Ladies First. It’s directed by Thea Sharrock, and is loosely based...
Lionsgate is set to sign Sydney Sweeney and Amanda Seyfried to star in the planned movie adaptation of the bestselling novel The Housemaid, with Paul Feig set to direct. As well...
Demi Moore, Keke Palmer, and more have been cast in Boots Riley’s new movie, I Love Boosters. I Love Boosters will star Palmer, Moore, Naomi Ackie, and LaKeith Stanfield....
Lionsgate has dropped the trailer for Armor, the upcoming action thriller starring Sylvester Stallone and Jason Patric. It’ll hit cinemas on November 22, 2024. “Academy Award...
Searchlight Pictures has released the first trailer for A Complete Unknown, the upcoming Bob Dylan biopic starring Timothée Chalamet as the legendary musician. The film debut in theaters December 25....
Netflix has dropped the trailer for The Diplomat Season 2, which stars Keri Russell. It’ll debut on Thursday, October 31. “A deadly explosion in the heart...
Universal Pictures has officially confirmed the Reminders of Him release date, the next Colleen Hoover movie adaptation. It’s set to arrive in theatres February 13, 2026, just ahead...
Deadline reports Will Smith and Michael Bay may soon be working on a new film together called Fast and Loose. They previously worked together in 1995’s Bad Boys and 2003’s Bad...
He Ain’t Heavy is a emotional and gripping Australian drama that delves deep into the complexities of familial bonds and the harrowing struggles of addiction....