Netflix has announced the cast of it’s new Agatha Christie series, The Seven Dials Mystery. This series is a suspenseful thriller based on Christie’s 1929...
Apple has showcased the first footage from Severance Season 2, Silo Season 2, and more upcoming titles. It all happened during 2024 Apple Worldwide Developers...
Billie Eilish directed the video for her latest single Chihiro herself, and in the dreamy music video Eilish escapes an empty building and sprints outside,...
Rising Australian girl group H3rizon today releases their brand new single “Soul Ties (Don’t Give It Up).” A sunny-but-cautionary number that expands on H3rizon’s introduction to the masses, the...
So you might have just discovered Claudia Ferri aka Raquel in Palm Royale…..Claudia has appeared over and over again leaving fans with an impression...
Deadline reports that Kristen Stewart will make her TV debut in the limited series called The Challenger. Stewart will play Sally Ride, the astronaut...
The Good Half trailer has arrived on behalf of Utopia, their forthcoming comedy-drama starring music superstar Nick Jonas. The film will be having nationwide screenings...
Primary Wave Music, in collaboration with Legacy Recordings, the catalog division of Sony Music Entertainment, proudly announces the re-release of Luther, the debut album from the...
Sunrise on the Reaping the newly announced Hunger Games prequel novel by Suzanne Collins, is being turned into a feature film. The book was published on March...