The official trailer for See You On Venus, which is the upcoming film adaptation of Victoria Vinuesa’s coming-of-age romance novel. The movie follows two...
Lionsgate has dropped the trailer for Cobweb, the upcoming supernatural horror thriller, starring Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr. The film is scheduled to arrive in theaters on...
MGM has released the trailer for Landscape With Invisible Hand, the upcoming film adaptation of M.T. Anderson’s sci-fi dramedy novel of the same name. It will...
Netflix released the trailer for They Cloned Tyrone, the upcoming action sci-fi comedy starring Jamie Foxx, John Boyega, and Teyonah Parris. It will debut on...
Amazon Studios has released the trailer for The Horror of Dolores Roach, staring Justina Machado as an ex-convict masseuse who finds herself becoming a serial...
Dean Mitchell is a queer Mexican-American singer and songwriter claiming a new space in the alternative pop realm. Dreamy and ambitious, Dean Mitchell’s forthcoming...
Rising Atlanta-based, rapper, Pap Chanel has released her long-awaited EP PAPTIVITIES via 4th & Broadway/1865/Def Jam Recordings. Listen to PAPTIVITIES — HERE featuring Fredo Bang and Trina. To accompany the EP release, Pap has also unveiled...
Slightest Clue is a Vancouver-based four-piece that probably shouldn’t work. Each member brings distinct influences and experiences: a stage actor whose playlists go from...
Directing duo Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley, the team behind the fantasy adventure film ‘Dungeons & Dragons’, are set to write and direct the forthcoming action...