Street Fighter has only been attempted once to be adapted into a feature film. However that’s about change, Legendary Entertainment has acquired the film and...
Miles Morales returns for the next chapter of the Oscar®-winning Spider-Verse saga, Spider-Man™: Across the Spider-Verse. After reuniting with Gwen Stacy, Brooklyn’s full-time, friendly neighbourhood...
The trailer for ‘Hypnotic’ has finally been released, showing us the Ben Affleck-led movie from director Robert Rodriguez. The trailer shows Affleck playing a...
The first ‘Blue Beetle’ trailer for DC Studios‘ has been released, and is expected to hit theatres August 18. The trailer shows DC’s newest hero played by...
Haley Lu Richardson had early television roles on the Disney Channel, in the sitcom Shake It Up (2013) and then also in the ABC Family supernatural drama Ravenswood (2013–2014), but it was her...
Multi-Platinum Grammy Award Winning Global Megastar Usher has released his first single in three years. “GLU”, the steamy single written and produced by Sean Garrett, Lil John,...
Yearning for fun, Animals on TV was formed in 2019 in Austin, Texas after friends Rob Hogan and Andrew Davis had seen one too many boring indie shows. ...
Director: Ben Affleck Writer: Alex Convery Stars: Matt Damon, Jason Bateman, Ben Affleck, Chris Messina, Viola Davis, Chris Tucker ‘AIR’ see’s not only Ben...
PiPEllA — born Abigail Wynans — is an ASPEC Cinematic Rock Storyteller currently based in Nashville, Tennessee. The trilingual (English, Spanish, Korean) singer began...
Seattle rapper Macklemore takes fans behind the scenes of the official music video for Grammy-winning single “Thrift Shop,” from his debut album The Heist in the...
Deadline reports that Amazon Studios has won a auction to purchase the rights to ‘The Dwelling’, an unpublished short story by Aaron Jayh. Michael B. Jordan and Liz Raposo’s Outlier...
Josh and Benny Safdie are signing more stars for their upcoming film, with current reports stating that recording artist Megan Thee Stallion is in talks to...