Bleecker Street has released the trailer for Rumours, it’s new horror comedy which is due to hit theatres on October 18. “The film follows the seven...
Netflix has released the trailer for The Menendez Brothers, its newest true-crime documentary film, which will debut on October 7. “In 1996, Lyle and Erik Menendez were...
Marvel has released the first look teaser Thunderbolts*, the upcoming MCU movie starring Florence Pugh, Sebastian Stan, and David Harbour. The film will release...
Actor Josh O’Connor has been tapped to star in the art heist movie from Kelly Reichardt titled, The Mastermind. Not much is known yet about the film but...
We give you the trailer for Season three of the BET+ Original series from Tyler Perry Studios ZATIMA which premieres Thursday, October 3 with two episodes....
Award-winning and Billboard-charting artist Flamy Grant is a shame-slaying, hip-swaying, singing-songwriting drag queen from Asheville, North Carolina who continues to take on the evangelical...
Acclaimed singer, songwriter, and arts advocate MAYA IXTA is set to unveil her debut EP, “DiaryEntries,” on September 16th, 2024. A professionally trained musician, MAYA received...
Warner Bros. Entertainment has dropped the trailer for The Curse of the Necklace, an upcoming horror movie starring Madeleine McGraw and Violet McGraw. The Curse of the...
Lionsgate has released a brand new trailer for The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, its coming-of-age comedy based on Barbara Robinson’s bestselling novel of the same...
The trailer for Daddy’s Head has finally dropped. it’s a new supernatural horror movie that will be released on Shudder just in time for Halloween. It stars Julia Brown,...
Netflix has released the trailer for Don’t Move, the upcoming survival thriller from producer Sam Raimi. The film will be available for streaming on October 25....
Netflix has released a first look at Wednesday Season 2, featuring Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams and also confirms the show’s return with its release...
Plans are being made for more Terminator movies according to James Cameron. The original The Terminator, which stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, was released in...