Lionsgate has released the trailer for Unsung Hero, the forthcoming biographical drama about the inspirational true story of a family achieving their dreams together. The film...
Emerald Fennell’s second feature, “Saltburn,” is a seductive plunge into a Gothic realm. Following her Oscar-winning “Promising Young Woman,” Fennell crafts a contemporary British...
Sony Pictures has released the first trailer for The Garfield Movie, the upcoming animated film, which will star Chris Pratt. “Garfield (voiced by Chris...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Elena has worked on over 100 movies & TV shows, ranging from $200K indies to $300M blockbusters, that have totaled over $10...
Beyoncé has dropped a trailer for her new concert film Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé. The movie opens in theaters on December 1, 2023. Renaissance is...
Lionsgate has dropped the trailer for How the Gringo Stole Christmas, its newest family holiday comedy, starring George Lopez. The film will make its debut on December...
Paramount Pictures has released the trailer for Mean Girls, but this version comes with a difference, it’s a musical reboot of Tina Fey’s iconic teen comedy,...
Sony Pictures has released the teaser for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, the next highly-anticipated movie in the sci-fi series. “In Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, the Spengler...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Olivia O’Neill is a young actor who made her debut on the big screen in the part of Katherine, one of the...