The trailer for Last Breath has arrived from Focus Features. This film is a new survival thriller directed by Alex Parkinson. Releasing in February 2025, it...
The trailer for Conclave from Focus Features has arrived, the thriller stars Ralph Fiennes as Cardinal Lawrence. The film is currently scheduled to arrive November 1....
Directed by Ethan Coen / Written by Tricia Cooke and Ethan Coen ‘Drive-Away Dolls’ brings back that irresistible Coen Brothers flavor we’ve all been...
“Written by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedy caper follows Jamie, an uninhibited free spirit bemoaning yet another breakup with a girlfriend, and...
“From writer and director Nia Vardalos, the worldwide phenomenon My Big Fat Greek Wedding is coming back to theaters with a brand-new adventure,” reads...
Director: Todd Field Writer: Todd Field Stars: Cate Blanchett, Noémie Merlant, Nina Hoss, Adam Gopnik, Sydney Lemmon It was with this performance as Lydia...
Focus Features has released the teaser trailer for ‘TÁR’, its upcoming biographical drama starring Cate Blanchett as composer and conductor Lydia Tár. It will make its debut...