Universal 1440 Entertainment is currently in the process of developing another installment to the popular comedy franchise ‘American Pie’. The movie will be written...
Jason Bateman has officially signed on to direct Netflix’s film adaptation of ‘Dark Wire’, based on journalist Joseph Cox’s upcoming novel of the same name....
A new ‘Planet of the Apes’ film is in the works, 20th Century Studios announced ‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ will begin production next month....
The first trailer for ‘Spoiler Alert’ has been released, it’s a biographical drama starring Jim Parsons. It’s set to make it’s theatrical debut December...
Hugh Jackman will make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as Wolverine in ‘Deadpool 3’. Ryan Reynolds broke the news via social media this morning. The...
We’ve got your first look at exclusive footage from Netflix and Gal Gadot’s spy film ‘Heart of Stone’. It also stars stars Jamie Dornan, Matthias Schweighöfer, Sophie...
Lionsgate picture has released the trailer for it’s upcoming horror flick ‘Prey For The Devil’, set for cinematic debut October 31st. It stars Jacqueline...