The first official trailer for the live-action adaptation of ‘Pinocchio’ has been released. The new film will be directed by Robert Zemeckis, and star Tom...
A24 has released the first trailer for it’s latest thriller ‘God’s Creatures’, starring Normal People’s Paul Mescal and Emily Watson. The movie is set...
‘Meet Cute’ is the latest rom/com starring Kaley Cuoco and Pete Davidson that’s set to hit Peacock September 21st. Directed by Paddleton’s Alex Lehmann and...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer LBGTQ+ filmmaker and actress Rachel Leyco and her production company Empowerhouse, is set to debut her queer AAPI web series, CRAZY, at...
Director: Jordan PeeleWriter: Jordan PeeleStars: Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea, Steven Yeun, Michael Wincott After the hugely successful first two movies from Jordan...
Michelle Yeoh, Stanley Tucci, Jason Alexander, Brian Cox, and Jenny Slate have joined the Russo Brothers’ next directorial project at Netflix, the sci-fi drama...
Amazon Studios has released the trailer for Lena Dunham’s upcoming film adaptation of Catherine Called Birdy, based on Karen Cushman’s novel of the same name....