In the desolate wasteland of George Miller’s apocalyptic universe, “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” emerges as a breathtaking prequel that pushes the boundaries of...
Bleeker Street has announced Love Me, a new cosmic romance movie will star Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun. “A buoy and a satellite meet online long...
Vertical has released the trailer for Late Bloomers, its forthcoming comedy-drama starring Karen Gillan. The film is scheduled to make its debut on June 7 in...
Netflix has debuted the trailer for Trigger Warning, its upcoming action thriller led by Jessica Alba. Alba plays a special forces soldier who’s on a...
Netflix has announced on that Keira Knightley will star in an upcoming feature film adaptation of the bestselling novel The Woman in Cabin 10. It will be directed...
Bertrand Bonello’s The Beast plunges viewers into a world where fear is palpable, relentless, and inescapable. Inspired by Henry James’ haunting short story “The Beast in...
Jodie Comer has reportedly signed on for the leading role in Kenneth Branagh‘s next directorial feature titled The Last Disturbance of Madeline Hynde. The contemporary psychological...
Lacey Chabert has officially been cast in Netflix’s newest holiday romantic comedy movie, Hot Frosty. She will star as a widow named Cathy, who finds herself falling...
Lili Reinhart is set to lead American Sweatshop, an upcoming mystery thriller that will explore the dark side of the Internet. “Daisy Moriarty (Reinhart), who...
Neon announced that it had acquired the North American distribution rights to The Unknown, the next movie from the writer of Anatomy of a Fall, Arthur...
Black Bear has announced that Olivia Wilde will star in director Gregg Araki’s next feature film, I Want Your Sex. The film is being described as a thriller...