A24 has dropped the trailer for Janet Planet, the latest drama movie directed by Annie Baker. The movie stars Julianne Nicholson, Zoe Ziegler, Elias Koteas, Will Patton and Sophie...
In the bustling rhythms of Newark, New Jersey, “Música” orchestrates a charming melody of romance, culture, and self-realization. Directed by the multi-talented Rudy Mancuso,...
Max has released the trailer for its upcoming film adaptation of 2017 coming-of-age novel titled Turtles All the Way Down. It’s lead by Isabela Merced, and set...
Vertical has released dropped the trailer for Lazareth, the new thriller starring Ashley Judd. It’s set to release in selected theaters May 10. “Following...
We give you the first trailer for Neon’s upcoming horror film Cuckoo, lead by Hunter Schafer and Dan Stevens. It also stars Jessica Henwick, Marton Csókás, Greta...
In a recent interview with website Comic Book Movie, James Frey, who co-wrote the popular I Am Number Four novel under the pseudonym of Pittacus Lore,...
Benedict Cumberbatch and Olivia Colman have signed on for the leading roles in Searchlight Pictures’ upcoming The Roses. It’s a reimaging of the 1989 black comedy The War of...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Most recently recognized as Larry David’s latest nemesis on HBO’s hit series, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Hymnson Chan has actually made his mark on Hollywood as...
Miramax has announced that Robert Zemeckis, the man behind legendary trilogy ‘Back To The Future’, has a new film currently in production called Here....
In the colossal clash of titans, “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” delivers a seismic spectacle that booms across the screen. Director Adam Wingard, known for...
David Robert Mitchell’s new movie, Flowervale Street, will be released in May 16 2025, as recently announced by Warner Bros. Pictures. Mitchell previously directed the...
In Origin, Ava DuVernay delves into the complex web of caste, race, and identity. Inspired by Isabel Wilkerson’s groundbreaking book, the film takes us on...
Tatiana Maslany, Elijah Wood, and more have joined Theo James in the upcoming Stephen King Horror movie The Monkey. Along with this trio, the film also stars Christian...