Milly Shapiro is returning to horror with The Hallowarrior, an upcoming horror film that is being described as a post-apocalyptic feature “with a Halloween twist.” The...
IFC Films has finally dropped the trailer for Inheritance, a new spy thriller starring Phoebe Dynevor. The film is scheduled to arrive in theaters on...
Variety is reporting that a Mighty Mouse movie is in the works. Mighty Mouse is an anthropomorphic superhero who made his official debut in 1942’s The...
Netflix has debuted the trailer for Missing You, the upcoming limited drama starring Rosalind Eleazar. The new Harlan Coben series is scheduled to make its debut on January...
Critically acclaimed Iranian-Dutch artist SEVDALIZA is back alongside global recording artist KAROL G to present her latest single “No Me Cansare” including an accompanying music video shot in...
Adrienne Rose White is a distinguished actress, writer, and producer celebrated for her unique ability to blend humor, warmth, and insightful storytelling. Currently, she...
Anne Hathaway has been cast in a feature film adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s Verity. This film will come from Amazon MGM Studios’, with Michael Showalter set to...
David Spade and Theo Von will lead the upcoming comedy Busboys. Production is currently scheduled to begin on January 10, 2025 in Los Angeles. “Set in...
A first-look photo has been released for Netflix and Guillermo del Toro’s Frankenstein. Guillermo del Toro’s new Frankenstein movie is based on Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel....
The synopsis for the movie reads “In the new action-packed chapter from DreamWorks Animation’s acclaimed comedy smash about a crackerjack crew of animal outlaws,...