“For nearly 50 years Sylvester Stallone has entertained millions with iconic characters and blockbuster franchises, from Rocky to Rambo to The Expendables,” reads the...
Netflix has debut the trailer for Bodies, the new mystery thriller series, which is based on the graphic novel by Si Spencer. “Based on the mind-bending graphic...
Netflix has released the trailer for Neon, its upcoming music comedy-drama starring Tyler Dean Flores. The series will start streaming on October 19. “From small-town Florida to the...
“Obliterated is a high-octane action-comedy that tells the story of an elite special forces team who thwarts a deadly threat to Las Vegas,” according...
Netflix has released the trailer for it’s new reality show Squid Game: The Challenge, inspired by the streamer’s mega-hit drama of the same name. It will...
Netflix has released the first look trailer of Griselda, the upcoming biographical crime drama, starring Sofia Vergara. The project hails from the team behind Netflix’s acclaimed series...
“Three best friends become fathers later in life and find themselves battling preschool principals, millennial CEOs and anything created after 1987,” reads the movie’s...
Netflix has released a new teaser trailer for ‘Berlin’, its forthcoming Money Heist spin-off. The prequel will be available for streaming on December 29. “The spin-off focuses...
Netflix has finally released an official trailer for Wes Anderson‘s short film adaptation of Roald Dahl‘s The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar. It’s lead by Benedict Cumberbatch as Henry...
Netflix has released the trailer for Everything Now, its latest coming-of-age series starring breakout star Sophie Wilde. The original series will be available for streaming on...