Netflix has released the trailer for Mary, the upcoming biblical movie, which takes place after the birth of Jesus. The film will be available for streaming...
“Set against the backdrop of London at Christmas, the series is a sharp, action-filled, and heartfelt story of friendship and sacrifice. It follows Helen...
From the co-director of Shrek and the creator of Toy Story comes SPELLBOUND, a magical new animated adventure starring Rachel Zegler, John Lithgow, Jenifer Lewis, Nathan Lane, Tituss Burgess,...
Netflix has dropped the trailer for That Christmas, its upcoming animated fantasy movie, which will drop just in time for Christmas. “The film follows a series of...
Jason Baum is best known for his Grammy-winning music videos like Kendrick Lamar’s HUMBLE and he most recently Produced the comedy thriller film It’s What’s Inside, which released on...
Netflix has released the trailer for Our Little Secret, its newest holiday romantic comedy movie, which stars Lindsay Lohan. The film will be available for streaming...
Netflix has released the trailer for Hot Frosty, their upcoming rom-com led by Lacey Chabert and Dustin Milligan. The film will be available for streaming on Wednesday, November...
Netflix has debuted the first trailer for Meet Me Next Christmas, its newest holiday romantic comedy, starring Christina Milian. The film will be available for streaming on...
Netflix has finally unveiled the first teaser trailer for The Electric State, which hails from directors Anthony and Joe Russo. The film will be available for streaming sometime in 2025....
The trailer for Carry-On has arrived, the new thriller film from Netflix coming to the streamer in December. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, it stars Taron Egerton, Jason Bateman,...
Netflix has released a teaser for Black Doves a new spy thriller starring Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, and Sarah Lancashire. “Set against the backdrop of London...