Netflix has released the trailer for Incoming, its upcoming teen comedy following the lives of four freshmen’s first high school party. The film is scheduled to...
In latest news Netflix has ordered a brand new series titled Something Very Bad Is Going To Happen. The upcoming psychological horror is created by Haley...
Netflix has dropped the trailer for The Deliverance, its newest supernatural horror thriller, starring Andra Day and Glenn Close. The film is scheduled to make its debut on...
Netflix has released the first look images from Incoming, its newest coming-of-age comedy movie, which hails from creators Dave and John Chernin. “Four freshmen are faced...
Netflix has debuted the first look teaser trailer for The Perfect Couple, it stars Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreiber. It consists of six episodes and will debut...
Netflix has revealed the first trailer for The Platform 2, the highly anticipated sequel to 2019’s The Platform. It will debut on Netflix on October 4,...
Netflix has released the trailer for Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie, the newest Spongebob Squarepants spin-off, which will be available for streaming on August...
“The iconic and gripping series returns featuring more unexplained deaths, baffling disappearances, and bizarre paranormal activity,” reads the logline. Unsolved Mysteries Vol. 4 will...
Netflix has announced that it has acquired the rights to RIP, a crime thriller starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck from director Joe Carnahan, who directed Smokin Aces....
The six-episode first season is based on the first novel of Jackson’s novel series about the teenage sleuth’s investigations. “Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie...
Netflix has released the trailer for Find Me Falling, its forthcoming romantic comedy, which will be available for streaming on July 19. Harry Connick Jr. plays an...