Netflix is currently in development with a new crime series starring Jamie Dornan, titled The Undertow. Variety reports the series is based on Twin, a Norwegian...
Netflix has released the trailer for Ripley, the thriller drama, starring Andrew Scott. The miniseries will be available for streaming on April 4. “In the...
Variety reports, Netflix has signed five new actors to the cast of Mindy Kaling‘s upcoming sports comedy series. Fabrizio Guido, Toby Sandeman, Chet Hanks, Keyla Monterroso Mejia,...
“Shirley tells the story of the first Black congresswoman and political icon, Shirley Chisholm, and her trailblazing run for president of the U.S. It...
The trailer for the new Netflix limited series Supersex has been revealed, loosely inspired by the real life of Rocco Siffredi and promises to focus...
Netflix has unveiled the first images of Squid Game Season 2, previewing the long-awaited and highly anticipated return of the thriller series. The series is expected...
Netflix has released a first look at its upcoming thriller series, Black Doves, starring Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, and Sarah Lancashire. The show is written, created, and executive produced...
Netflix has unveiled the first trailer for Mea Culpa, a new thriller dropping in February that’s written and directed by Tyler Perry. It stars Kelly Rowland and...
Netflix has released a trailer for Hit Man, Richard Linklater’s latest film, which is led by Glen Powell. The film will release in select countries on...
Netflix has released the teaser for Ripley, its upcoming series adaptation of the classic thriller novel titled The Talented Mr. Ripley. Andrew Scott will be playing the...
Netflix has released the first look trailer for The Gentlemen, its upcoming series adaptation of Guy Ritchie’s 2020 movie. It is scheduled to make its debut in...
Netflix has released the trailer for 3 Body Problem, showing off the new sci-fi drama series from Game of Thrones co-creators David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, and...
Netflix has debuted the trailer for One Day, Netflix‘s upcoming romantic drama starring Leo Woodall and Ambika Mod. It’s an adaptation of David Nicholls’ 2009...
Netflix has released the trailer for American Nightmare its upcoming crime documentary series about a couple’s bizarre home invasion and kidnapping incident. It will debut...
Netflix has released the trailer for Break Point Season 2, the upcoming second installment of the sports documentary series about the 2023 Grand Slam season. The...