“In the series, Maddie, a teen girl stuck in the afterlife investigating her mysterious disappearance,” reads the synopsis. “Maddie goes on a crime-solving journey...
“In the series, Maddie, a teen girl stuck in the afterlife investigating her mysterious disappearance,” reads the synopsis. “Maddie goes on a crime-solving journey...
The first trailer for ‘The Friendship Game’, the upcoming horror thriller starring Peyton List has arrived. The film is scheduled to make its debut on...
Rence continues to create a bold blend of his own; he blurs the lines separating pop, alternative, indie, and hip-hop effortlessly. “Darkside” tows the line between organic...
“Liar Liar” is this highly anticipated new single from actress/musician Peyton List. Peyton is set for her biggest year yet. The 20-year-old media darling...