Here’s logline reads: “Here is an original film about multiple families and a special place they inhabit. The story travels through generations, capturing the...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Born in Maryland, Ben Palacios eventually traveled around the east coast and eventually landed in Switzerland for high school. During his freshman...
“Seiya (Mackenyu), a headstrong street teen, spends his time fighting for cash while he searches for his abducted sister,” reads the film’s synopsis. “When...
Sony Pictures and PlayStation Productions are developing a film adaptation of Ghost of Tsushima, with John Wick director Chad Stahelski attached to helm. According to...
Columbia Records recording artist Quinn XCII has returned to launch his brand-new single “Stay Next To Me” featuring singer/songwriter Chelsea Cutler today. The song...
Fortune favours the bold. Starring Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg Directed by Ruben Fleischer IN CINEMAS JULY 15, 2021 #UNCHARTEDMOVIE