Deadline reports that Chiwetel Ejiofor and Karen Gillan have signed on to star in the upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King‘s short horror story The Life of Chuck. They’ll...
20th Century Studios has dropped the trailer for The Boogeyman, the upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King’s classic short story of the same name. It stars...
Jayden McGinlay stars as Cecil Williams in the upcoming Lionsgate reimagining of Stephen King’s, Children of the Corn. The film releases theatrically on March 3rd and will...
Netflix dropped the first trailer for ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone’, Blumhouse’s upcoming film adaptation of Stephen King’s novel of the same name. It will make...
Director: Mike Flanagan Writers: Stephen King (based on the novel by), Mike Flanagan (screenplay) Stars: Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran, Cliff Curtis, Zahn...