Netflix has released the first trailer for Bodkin, which stars Will Forte. The series comes from Barack and Michelle Obama’s Higher Ground Productions. “Bodkin is a darkly...
Claire Danes has officially signed on for the lead role in Netflix’s limited series called The Beast in Me. It hails from Homeland showrunner Howard Gordon, who...
Them: The Scare trailer has been released, showing viewers the upcoming Prime Video horror anthology series. It’ll debut on Prime Video Thursday, April 25. “The...
Apple TV+ has officially given the greenlight to an limited series adaptation of Araminta Hall’s Imperfect Women novel, with Elisabeth Moss and Kerry Washington set to lead the...
Peacock has revealed that Jessica Biel will lead an upcoming limited crime thriller series titled The Good Daughter. The series is being written by Karin Slaughter, who...
After originally getting a pilot order, the upcoming Wizards of Waverly Place sequel show has officially gotten a series order and heading to Disney+. Production on...
FX has released the trailer for The Veil, its newest international spy thriller lead by Elisabeth Moss. The limited series is scheduled to make its debut...
“In the series, Su-in, a young woman caught between her humanity and parasitic influence, embodies this recurring theme of coexistence. As Heidi, the parasite...
FX Networks has finally released the trailer for American Horror Story: Delicate Part Two, showing the Kim Kardashian and Emma Roberts characters get sultry in the teaser,...
Netflix has released the trailer for Supacell, its upcoming fantasy crime drama about five strangers who suddenly gain superpowers. “The series follows a group of five ordinary...