Marvel Studios has released the trailer for Echo, a upcoming Disney+ series centered on Alaqua Cox’s character from Hawkeye. The show will debut on Disney+ and Hulu simultaneously on...
That’s right you heard it, a new series set in the universe of the highly successful Fox show Prison Break is currently in the works at Hulu. Deadline...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Deison Afualo is a comedic force hailing from sunny Southern California. Raised in the culturally rich Inland Empire, she navigated a conservative...
Max has released the trailer for what is being described as a hybrid documentary called You Were My First Boyfriend, featuring co-director Cecilia Aldarondo as...
The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that A24 has successfully won the television rights to iHeartPodcasts and Novel’s weekly true-crime podcast called The Girlfriends. The...
Hulu has released the trailer for Culprits, the upcoming crime dark comedy, starring Nathan Stewart-Jarrett and Gemma Arterton. The first season will be available for streaming starting on December...
Netflix has released the full trailer for Squid Game: The Challenge, the streaming platform‘s reality competition series based on the critically acclaimed drama Squid Game. The series...
Max has dropped the trailer for Taking on Taylor Swift , the upcoming documentary centering around the 2017 copyright lawsuit filed against Swift for her...
Disney+ debuted the trailer for “Faraway Downs,” an inspiring epic adventure and reimagined extended version of Baz Luhrmann’s 2008 film “Australia.” The film, told...
“For nearly 50 years Sylvester Stallone has entertained millions with iconic characters and blockbuster franchises, from Rocky to Rambo to The Expendables,” reads the...
Email:neill@outloudculture.comSocials: @neillfrazer Hi Blake, welcome to OLC! Can you tell us about your journey from starting out on social media to amassing over 2...
The popular Disney cartoon Gargoyles from the early 1990s is finally getting a live-action television series based on the franchise. The Hollywood Reporter unveiled that Gary...