Amazon Studios has released the teaser for The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, the upcoming series adaptation of Holly Ringland’s novel of the same name. The series will...
Sophie Thatcher is best known for starring as young Natalie Scatorccio in Showtime’s psychological drama series Yellowjackets, and for her appearance as Drash in The Book of Boba Fett....
Variety reports that Lashana Lynch has officially signed on to join Peacock’s upcoming series adaption ‘The Day of the Jackal’, with production beginning this year....
Amazon Studios has released the trailer for I’m a Virgo, it’s latest coming-of-age comedy starring Jharrel Jerome. The series will be available for streaming on June...
Amazon Studios has released the first trailer for Citadel: Diana, the upcoming Italian spin-off to the Richard Madden and Priyanka Chopra Jonas-led spy thriller. It is set to...
Amazon Studios has officially released the first photo for its upcoming ‘Citadel’ spin-off titled Citadel: Diana, which is the next installment into the franchise. This comes over a...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Daniel is a Haitian American actor, director, writer, and musician born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His entertainment journey started with his...
Award-Winning Afro-Latina actress and filmmaker Loren Escandón is making her mark in the entertainment industry. The Cali, Colombia native got her start in the...
‘Full Circle’ is the latest project from legendary director Steven Soderbergh and is coming to Max, with Warner Bros. Discovery setting the release date for July...