Tom Cruise returns as Ethan Hunt for the highly anticipated seventh installment from Paramount Pictures, ‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One’. In this...
Director Luca Guadagnino will be directing the HBO series adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis’s book entitled The Shards. It has been revealed that Guadagnino will be directing the series,...
Hitting the fairway for a very good cause, GRAMMY® Award-winning, global megastar DJ Khaled excitedly presents the inaugural WE THE BEST FOUNDATION GOLF CLASSIC on Thursday July 20 in Miami,...
‘Mississippi – Tennessee’ picks up where Lucie Tiger’s award-winning song ‘Gasoline’ left off. With southern-style rocking guitars, organ and piano that demand attention, plus driving drums, Lucie is getting...
Platinum-selling singer, songwriter, and producer Madison Beer has teamed up with GRAMMY-winning producer Timbaland for a remix of her latest single – “Home To Another One”....
Deadline reports that Hulu has officially acquired the rights to Jake Johnson’s feature directorial debut called ‘Self Reliance’, starring Anna Kendrick and Andy Samberg. The comedy...