Apple TV+ has released a trailer for its upcoming limited series, The Crowded Room, starring Tom Holland as a young man who gets involved in a shooting...
“The Walking Dead: Dead City follows the popular Maggie (Cohan) and Negan (Morgan) characters traveling into a post-apocalyptic Manhattan, long ago cut off from...
Emma Stone leads Searchlight Pictures’ latest film ‘Poor Things’, a new movie from Yorgos Lanthimos. ‘Poor Things’ is scheduled to be released on September 8. “From...
“From writer and director Nia Vardalos, the worldwide phenomenon My Big Fat Greek Wedding is coming back to theaters with a brand-new adventure,” reads...
“Starstruck” is BAYEM’s first single of the year, and the latest since releasing his debut EP. The 24-year-old singer, songwriter, and producer from Indianapolis,...
Email: Socials: @neillfrazer Multi-talented actress, writer, director, and legal advisor Trisha LaFache stars in “Jury Duty,” a documentary-style comedy revolving around an American jury’s daily chronicles and inner workings. Previously a...