“The series follows Elliot and Beverly Mantle, twin gynecologists who share everything: drugs, lovers, and an unapologetic desire to do whatever it takes —...
Peacock has released the teaser trailer for ‘Shooting Stars’, the biographical coming-of-age drama centering around the inspiring origin story of LeBron James. It will debut...
Director: Wes Anderson Screenwriters: Wes Anderson / Story by Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola Producers: Wes Anderson, Steven Rales, Jeremy Dawson Cast: Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks,...
The ‘Asteroid City’ poster has been released for the Wes Anderson’s upcoming movie, which will be distributed by Focus Features, and release theatrically June 16, 2023....
JustJared and various posts across Twitter have shown exclusive on set photos from the upcoming ‘Captain America’ sequel called ‘Captain America: New World Order’. Anthony Mackie’s Sam...
Magnolia Pictures has dropped the first trailer for ‘Master Gardener’, the upcoming thriller drama starring Joel Edgerton as a horticulturist who has a dark...
“Seiya (Mackenyu), a headstrong street teen, spends his time fighting for cash while he searches for his abducted sister,” reads the film’s synopsis. “When...
After two films of true friendship and relentless flirting, Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and Branch (Justin Timberlake) are now officially, finally, a couple (#broppy)! As...
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Lisa Heller released the third single called “hollow” from her upcoming EP “SADIE”. The song is the follow-up to “brown paper bag” and...
Elizabeth Lail according to Deadline will be joining Josh Hutcherson and Matthew Lillard in Blumhouse’s upcoming film adaptation of ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’. Kat Conner...
Amazon Studios has officially began production on Paul Feig’s upcoming action comedy ‘Grand Death Lotto’. The announcement also comes with the release of the first set...
HBO Max has released the full trailer for ‘Love & Death’, the upcoming true crime miniseries starring Elizabeth Olsen. Olsen plays a regular suburban...