Sandflower, the independent artist known for pushing boundaries is set to drop a transcendent visual and listening experience in “The Quantum Seed,” a transformative...
Netflix has dropped the first trailer from Noah Baumbach, with the forthcoming film adaptation of ‘White Noise’. It’s based on Don DeLillo’s 1985 satire...
We have the official trailer for ‘Mack & Rita‘, a comedy starring the great Diane Keaton. The film will debut in theatres and for streaming September...
Focus Features has released the teaser trailer for ‘TÁR’, its upcoming biographical drama starring Cate Blanchett as composer and conductor Lydia Tár. It will make its debut...
Today Searchlight Pictures released the teaser for the upcoming romance drama starring Olivia Colman and Micheal Ward, called ‘Empire Of Light’. This serves as director...
The first official trailer for the live-action adaptation of ‘Pinocchio’ has been released. The new film will be directed by Robert Zemeckis, and star Tom...
A24 has released the trailer for ‘The Inspection’, the forthcoming biographical drama starring Jeremy Pope and Gabrielle Union. It is set to hit theatres Nov....
Blues-rock artist Freedom Heartsong has released his newest album, The Humane Experience. The 11-track album combines the soulful lyrics of blues and the upbeat energy of...