Mattel Films has officially announced its partnership with Universal Pictures for the development of a live-action Monster High movie. Already announced as producer is Akiva Goldsman, who has produced...
BBC has released the trailer for A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, its upcoming series adaptation of Holly Jackson’s coming-of-age novel starring Emma Myers. It will arrive in...
Shudder has released the trailer for The Devil’s Bath, the forthcoming horror period thriller, which comes from the team behind Goodnight Mommy and The Lodge. “In 1750 Austria,...
We introduce to you rising Filipino-Black alt-star Jelani Aryeh. One of the most talked about young alt pop-rock stars everywhere from Rolling Stone to NME,...
20th Century Studios has shared a new trailer for Alien: Romulus, the latest entry in the Alien franchise. It’s scheduled to hit cinemas August 2024. “The...
Apple TV+ has released the trailer for Land of Women, its upcoming Spanish comedy-drama starring Eva Longoria. The series is scheduled to make its debut on...