In an official announcement on Thursday, Lionsgate and one half of the franchise’s creator, James Wan confirmed that the tenth installment in the “Saw”...
“A fast-break series chronicling the professional and personal lives of the 1980s Los Angeles Lakers, one of sports’ most revered and dominant dynasties —...
Lionsgate has released the trailer for Dear David, its upcoming film adaptation of former Buzzfeed employee’s viral social media ghost story. The film is scheduled to...
“Amidst a future war between the human race and the forces of artificial intelligence, Joshua (Washington), a hardened ex-special forces agent grieving the disappearance...
We give you the trailer for Harlan Coben’s Shelter, the upcoming Prime Video mystery thriller, which is set to debut on August 18. “Harlan Coben’s Shelter...
Paramount+ has released some first look photos from Pet Sematary: Bloodlines, the prequel film to Stephen King’s classic Pet Sematary. It will debut on Paramount+ on...
Director: Alexander Payne Writer: David Hemingson Producers: Mark Johnson, Bill Block and David Hemingson Executive Producers: Chris Stinson, Tom Williams, Andrew Golov, Thom ZadraCast: Paul Giamatti, Da’Vine Joy...
This holiday season, Illumination, creators of the blockbuster Minions, Despicable Me, Sing and The Secret Life of Pets comedies, invites you to take flight...
rising indie talent Tilly Louise shares her debut EP “Join the Club”. Packed with punchy guitar and drum instrumentality, and passionate, personal observations, Tilly...
Platinum-Certified Singer, songwriter, and producer, Chelsea Cutler has released her new single, “I Don’t Feel Alive”. Taken from her forthcoming third album, the latest single shows...