Early reports are stating that Dark Castle are reportedly developing a television series based on the film Thirteen Ghosts. The idea is thirteen episodes with...
Uncork’d Entertainment has released a trailer for the upcoming horror called The Hanged Girl. “Based on a compelling folklore legend, and featuring state-of-the-art special...
Apple TV+ has debuted the first trailer for The Changeling, the upcoming horror fantasy series starring LaKeith Stanfield as Apollo, a father and husband who suddenly...
Variety reports that Whitney Peak is set to lead the upcoming supernatural horror film titled Somewhere in Dreamland which will be directed by Colin Tilley....
Email: neill@outloudculture.com Socials: @neillfrazer Aaron Dalla Villa was born and raised in Suffolk, Virginia, and studied music and dance training at the prestigious Governor’s School...
Lionsgate has dropped the trailer for Cobweb, the upcoming supernatural horror thriller, starring Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr. The film is scheduled to arrive in theaters on...
Amazon Studios has released the trailer for The Horror of Dolores Roach, staring Justina Machado as an ex-convict masseuse who finds herself becoming a serial...
The Wrath of Becky trailer for the sequel to 2020’s independent action thriller film has arrived, seeing the return of Lulu Wilson in the lead role. The...
We can tell you now that ‘The Pope’s Exorcist 2’ which is currently in development. Screen Gems has already started developing The Pope’s Exorcist 2,...