“The horror comedy centers around a group of Black friends who reunite for a Juneteenth weekend getaway only to find themselves trapped in a remote cabin...
Lionsgate has announced that Antoine Fuqua will direct the upcoming Michael Jackson biopic ‘Michael’. Fuqua, who is best known for directing films like ‘Training Day’,...
Lionsgate has released the first trailer for ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’, the forthcoming movie adaptation of Judy Blume’s classic book. It...
Lionsgate has released the trailer for it’s latest film called ‘Alice, Darling’, the upcoming psychological thriller drama starring Anna Kendrick. The film will be in cinemas...
Lionsgate has released the trailer for ‘The Honeymoon’, the upcoming comedy centering around a newlywed couple whose romantic trip gets chaotic, and is set...
Lionsgate pictures have released the trailer for ‘Mindcage’, the upcoming psychological crime thriller. It stars Martin Lawrence, Melissa Roxburgh, and John Malkovich. Its set...
Lionsgate Pictures has released the trailer for ‘Jesus Revolution’, the upcoming film detailing the story of America’s spiritual revival in the 1970s. It stars...
Lionsgate picture has released the trailer for it’s upcoming horror flick ‘Prey For The Devil’, set for cinematic debut October 31st. It stars Jacqueline...
We have the official trailer for ‘Mack & Rita‘, a comedy starring the great Diane Keaton. The film will debut in theatres and for streaming September...
Lionsgate Pictures has released the trailer for their upcoming survival thriller ‘Fall’. The feature film stars Grace Caroline Currey and Virginia Gardner, and will be...