The first trailer for Black Bag has arrived, the new spy thriller directed by Steven Soderbergh. It stars Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender, and will hit cinemas this coming...
Paddington in Peru (essentially Paddington 3) is a continuation of the beloved bear’s adventures, bringing a fresh and vibrant setting to the franchise. Directed by...
Superman, helmed by James Gunn and starring David Corenswet as the Man of Steel, comes out in US theaters on July 11, 2025. The first teaser dropped...
“Written and directed by Iraq War veteran Ray Mendoza and Alex Garland (Civil War, 28 Days Later), Warfare embeds audiences with a platoon of American Navy SEALs...
A24 has released the first poster for Warfare. This is a new A24 war film written and directed by Ray Mendoza and Alex Garland. Mendoza previously served as the...
Following the the success of Universal Pictures’ horror Abigail, the Radio Silence team found their next project, an upcoming thriller Loser. “Loser follows Alice, a brilliant but...
Anne Hathaway and Dave Bautista have officially signed on for the leading roles in Amazon MGM Studios and The Russo Brothers‘ Wedding Sting. Hathaway and Bautista will also...
Better Man is a dazzling biopic that chronicles the tumultuous life and career of British pop icon Robbie Williams. Directed by Michael Gracey, known for...
Owen Wilson will be joining comedian Matt Rife in the upcoming R-rated comedy movie Rolling Loud. It is written and directed by Jeremy Garelick. Rolling Loud will be set...